New LED Billboards Defered

Dead Billboard

On October 6th the Planning and Growth Management Committee was set to approve a recommendation to install 10 (or 17 if you count multiple sides) new large illuminated electronic billboards along traffic routes, including the Gardiner, that run near CN railway land in exchange for removing 40 non-electronic and much smaller billboards along CN rail land.

TPSI informed committee members of a number of studies linking billboards, electronic or otherwise, to increased driver distraction and lower road safety. TPSI also raised concerns echoing points raised by Dave Meslin about the impact these bright billboards may have on nearby residences in some cases. For the full story click here.

TPSI’s Rami Tabello, along with Dave Meslin, made deputations at the committee and succeeded in convincing the committee to defer the matter until January 5th 2012 to allow for consultation with the City Planning division, and affected communities and stakeholders, in cooperation with local Councillors.

TPSI welcomes the increased consultation of affected communities and stakeholders. However, TPSI opposes the installation of these new mega electronic billboards. Corporate profits should not trump driver safety, ever, plain and simple.

TPSI will initiate a new campaign this November to ensure that this proposal is defeated.

Additional TPSI analysis can be found on this October 6th post.

Electronic Billboard Decision Document

‘Video Billboards and Public Space’, CBC Radio – Here and Now (Oct 6th)

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