This interactive park map is to create a forum in which people can look into and update the information of parks in Toronto.

Descriptions under icons feature physical amenities, information on community groups and city contacts for each park. Physical amenities in the park are shown by small icons representing the location of each facility. The general information can be found at the centre of each park in the map. The Community Group column includes the name, contact and activities of volunteer groups involved in each park. The City Contacts column provides contact information to help citizens deal with issues such as reporting maintenance problems, inquiring events information and requesting a permit for activities.

The goal of the map is to improve the understanding of local parks and communities dedicated to them. It intends to help park volunteer groups by providing a venue for introducing themselves to the general public; and guide park users to find out what they could do in a park and who they can talk to participate in community activities or start one. The pilot project includes five parks made based on the input of park volunteer groups and with reference to the City’s Park Information web page. The project ultimately aims to develop a map that archives information that covers all parks in Toronto.

This map differs from the City’s own information in that municipal data is only provided in list format, and only includes some physical amenities, whereas our map seeks to include psychical data as well as information on community activities in a more user friendly manner.

Note: This project is a pilot project and is currently being worked on.